• Introduction


    Welcome  to my blog, let me introduce you my unexpected journey !


    I do this blog to give you a little preview of my Finnish journey.

    In this blog, I will try to recreate the outline of my trip, but also funny anecdotes.

    I'm in the city of Kuopio which is at the center of finland. It is a student city with about 120,000 inhabitants.





    The title of my blog is my unexpected journey.

    I chose this title because it is indicative of what I expect from this semester: discover something new, discover new people, discover a new culture.

    As you may have noticed this is also the title of the first film of The Hobbit.

    In addition to express my expectations, this title also has a connection with Finland. Indeed Tolkien writer was fascinated by Finland and Finnish. He was inspired to create the Finnish language elves present in his stories.

    My friends and I enjoy the cinema and the movies.

    So we had the idea to play again and adjust the first scenes of the film "Un unexpected jouney" to make the connection between the movie title and finland and to introduce my unexpected journey.


    It may be interesting passages from the hobbit. (from the long version of the film)

    From the minute 14.20 to the minute 15.30

    From the minute 36.00 to the minute 38.05

    From the minute 42.00 the minute 43.35