• The sauna, a major Finnish tradition

    The sauna is part of the popular tradition in Finland. The practice of sauna is a tradition that has existed since 2000 years in Finland.

    In Finland there are 5 million people and over 2 millions saunas. All Finns could take a sauna at the same time!

    For the Finns, the sauna is a lifestyle. Every family wants their own Finnish sauna. We go once or twice a week, according to the habits of each, but Saturday is traditionally the day of the sauna. At Christmas and Saint John are also "essential" opportunities to take a sauna.


    What is a sauna?

    The sauna is equipped with wooden benches arranged in tiers and a stove on which is placed sauna stones stones .These are often of volcanic origin, resistant to thermal shock and accumulate heat well. The wood burning stove is heated either with wood or with electricity. After much heated stones can throw water on it with a ladle to create what is called a sudden puff of vapor that creates a moist heat in the sauna. You can repeat this several times. The temperature rises to 80-90 degrees on average, but some Finns take a sauna at 100 ° C or 120 ° C.



    What to do in the sauna?

    The sauna is an ideal place for purification of both physical and mental, but it is not only used for washing. In the past, there was going to give birth, care for the sick or even die. It smoked fish and meat as well as dried flax and straw. The practice of sauna was also used in the training of athletes.


     We can whip the body with birch twigs to activate blood circulation. The birch leaves soaked in water pleasantly perfume the room.

    The practice of sauna is also very common in business. Business leaders can invite their customers sauna evenings to discuss business in an atmosphere of relaxation and conviviality.

    In Finland, even today, many business contracts are concluded in a sauna.


    What are the benefits of a sauna ?

    On leaving the sauna, you feel a total well being accompanied by a 100% clean. Tiredness and stress have literally melted in the steam sauna. The sauna stimulates circulation, eliminates muscle tension and strengthens the immune system against colds and chills.


    The Finns SaunaThe Finns Sauna


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